

The Garden of My Heart

The Garden of My Heart


1. There's a sacred and hallowed retreat, Where my soul finds a fellowship
  D         G                 C             G      D         G
sweet.  Where the Lord of my life I may meet.  In the garden of my heart.

    C           G                  C                    G
In the cool of the day He walks with me.  In the rose-bordered way, He talks
         D  G                  C                    G     D
with me.  In love's holy union and sacred communion, In the garden of my

2. There is naught can disturb or molest.  There my spirit finds comfort and
D          G                C               G       D         G
rest.  And my soul is no longer distressed, In the garden of my heart.

3. Shut away from earth's strife and its din, And protected from soul
D        G               C        G       D         G
sin, For my Savior is dwelling within, In the garden of my heart.

4. There the dove of sweet peace always sings, And my faith ever trustingly
 D              G                         C         G       D         G
clings.  And the chime of sweet happiness rings, In the garden of my heart.